Bio-Lumin Nightly Essense - 62 Capsules

Product Description
Bio-Lumin Nightly Essense utilizes a blend of the latest cutting-edge systemic enzymes along with a complete panel of 14 different strains of probiotic bacteria.
Bio-Lumin Nightly Essense Supplement FactsWould you benefit from greater energy? Better looking skin? A healthy digestive system? These benefits and more are possible through the use of targeted enzymes. Nightly Essense! Contains key enzymes that have been shown to support a wide range of systems and promote cardiovascular, immune, and gastrointestinal health.*
� Vitamin production specifically B2, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin and niacin.
� Decrease in lactose intolerance because of the enzyme lactase.
� Lower cholesterol levels
� Defense against food poisoning
� Inhibition of candida, yeast and other fungal forms
� Healthier looking and feeling skin
� Better absorption of foods because of the enzymes they produce
� Increase in paristalsis (wave of contraction that moves food through the colon). Normalizes bowel movements.
� Increase in immunity through the secretion of acids and natural antibiotics.
� Help maintain a good hormonal balance.