Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals - 32 FL OZ

Product Description
Our bodies need a steady stream of minerals many in trace amounts to function properly.
Plant Derived Minerals give you 77 of the Essential 90 minerals.
Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals Supplement Facts
Same thing in capsules...great way to save on international shipping, traveling or using at the office!
1 capsule equals approximately 1 oz of Plant derived minerals.
Ultimate Mineral Caps - 64 Capsules
The Saturation vs. the Maintenance Dose
Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals come in a 32 fluid ounce (1 quart) container and cost $20 at wholesale. Dr. Wallach advises that we saturate our system for the first 90 days. A saturation intake is "one size fits all," two fluid ounces (4 Tablespoons) mixed in water or fruit juice with to be taken in with food, twice daily, with breakfast and dinner. After the ninety days, a person can cut back to a maintenance intake, which is tagged to body weight.
A maintenance intake is one fluid ounce (2 Tablespoons) per 100 pounds of body weight, once daily. Thus, regardless of body weight, a person will need 4 bottles per month the first three months. After the three months, a person weighing, say 180 pounds, will need roughly two bottles per month to maintain.
Liquid Minerals for Optimal Health*
Youngevity offers the highest quality and most comprehensive line of liquid mineral supplements. These unique and healthful formulas were developed by Joel D. Wallach, DVM, ND, biochemical research pioneer known to many as The Mineral Doctor. The foundation for each formula is Majestic Earth Plant Derived Minerals.*
Why Minerals?
Minerals have a role in nearly every bodily function, from building healthy bones and teeth, to energy production, to immune support. In fact, minerals are so crucial to so many aspects of our health that even slight imbalances of some minerals can have major consequences. For example, iron is crucial to the transport of oxygen by red blood cells throughout the body. But an imbalance can range from low energy levels to gastrointestinal issues.
Dietary minerals can be delivered in different forms. Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals are delivered in liquid colloidal form.* Colloidal minerals are derived from plant matter and are the smallest and most bio-available mineral form.*
Are You Getting Enough of These Important Nutrients?
As inorganic substances, minerals can not be synthesized by the human body. Instead, they have to be obtained from the foods we eat. But modern unhealthy diets high in poor quality, processed foods, combined with mineral-depleted topsoil and crops, have made it difficult for most people to get adequate amounts of these essential nutrients.
Mineral-deficient Soil and Crops
When dinosaurs ruled the earth 75 million years ago, they were likely living in an environment abundant with life-supporting minerals. Soil was laden with as many as 70 known minerals, which were absorbed through the root systems of plants to become part of a vibrant, life-sustaining food supply.
Over time, erosion and unwise farming methods have depleted our topsoil of its precious mineral content.2 Ironically, modern technology has only exacerbated this problem. Compared to 50 years ago, today farmers are able to produce double or even triple the yields of most major fruits, vegetables, and grains. But the nutrient content of the crops is lower than ever we have Plant Derived Minerals
Majestic Earth Plant Derived Minerals provide the following benefits*:
Liquid colloidal form. Plants absorb metallic minerals from soil then convert them into colloids. Colloids are tiny particles that retain their identity even while suspended in liquid, making them highly bio-available, or absorbable.*
Plant-derived. Extracted from humic shale, a layer of earth formed from ancient, mineral-laden plants. As a mineral source, humic shale is superior to other sources commonly used in supplements, such as bentonite (ground up clay) or dried sea beds (ground up rocks).
Enhanced bio-availability and detoxification. As in plants, Plant Derived Minerals have a natural negative electrical charge. This has two very important benefits: First, it may enhance the transport and bio-availability of other nutrients. Secondly, it may support the bodys natural detoxification of toxins and heavy metals.*
Pure and natural. Plant Derived Minerals are extracted from humic shale using pure, cool clear water to the desired concentration and then processed through a complex array of special filters, leaving only the organic colloidal minerals in the final solution. No preservatives, flavorings, or synthetic substances are added.
Safer form of minerals. Plant Derived Minerals are well-researched for safety and toxicity.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.